This is
and it is freaking weird.
It is like holding a giant bean pod.
Then you crack it open and it looks like a bug or a spider has spun a web or nest all over the fruit inside.
Then you pick it up and still think maybe its an insect nest.
Then you walk outside to find a local and ask them if this is what the fruit is supposed to look like.
After an unconvincing 'yes',
you put it in your mouth and think, "Oh my God I just put an insect nest in my mouth."
But unless these insect babies taste sweet and the nest was spun around a giant black seed, you can safely assume you are just eating a very weird fruit.
It tastes a bit like edamame mixed with the flavor of kettle corn, all wrapped around a giant seed that isn't at all tasty.
The consistency is exactly what I think an insect nest would feel like to eat.
Once you get over that, it tastes pretty good and its fun to peel off the seed inside your mouth.
But if you think the consistency is shocking, no one here turns this fruit into juice!
It is always eaten raw.