Mica & Graham's Wedding
We came home from tour to help our friends Mica and Graham with their wedding.
It was a very DIY wedding and fortunately M & G have very talented and capable friends, willing to take on the challenge. We all worked together to make it a really special heart filled event.
Here is Mica, her sister and her out of town college friends making braided rope streamers out of old fabric. It was bonding to sit around together and get to know each other while we worked.

Mica and Graham were married at the Quaker Meeting House in Richmond, Virginia. Jameson officiated the wedding. It was a different kind of wedding. M & G sat in rocking chairs and we all sat around them. Jameson invited everyone to sit in silence and when they felt moved by the spirit to give a blessing to the couple that they speak briefly from the heart. We all enjoyed the silence together, that moment where all our bodies had come together inspired by the love of our friends. So many blessings flowed from us to our dear ones. Mica's sister started it off praising the couple and giving us all a good example of how to send a blessing. She was followed by many others; friends, parents, grandparents. Some people told funny stories about the couple, others sent prayers of safety for their coming journey, and some more experienced couples gave personal wisdom about marriage. It was beautiful. After about an hour of silence and blessings Mica and Graham exchanged rings (in silence) and kissed, indicating that they had agreed that they were married.
We gave a big cheer which felt rebellious and extra joy filled after all being quite for so long.
Then we partied!!!!
Half the wedding party went to the reception via bicycle birgade.
Jameson and I went ahead to the reception space to finish setting up.
The party was at
LoveBomb a radical new art space in South Side RVA.
All we brought were candles, the rope braids, and a few extra tables and chairs. The vibrant space already had so much character with it's enormous moveable stage and
All the saints theater company's giant puppets.
Eight bands played during the receptions. We all danced and sang along. It was like a modern day hoe-down. It added a lot to the wedding to have so much live music. In many ways it felt like a tribute to Greenwood manor, the house where Mica and Graham used to live where they hosted many musical gatherings though out the years.
Here's the lineup!
Everyone brought alcohol to share
Graham's family provided the food- Pig roast and traditional southern sides like deviled eggs, coleslaw, and pasta salad. Here is the bride and groom getting down on some ribs while sharing some Hardywood beer.
As a final touch to an awesome day, some very talented friends of the couple made this face cut out inspired by Mica and Graham's the next adventure, a bicycle trip up to Maine! Have a wonderful pilgrimage you two. Love you! Stay safe and come back to us.