Here we are on a porch during Halloween with our friend Lindsey.
Laney is: A giant Day of the Dead Skull head with accordion
Lindsey is: Jennifer Lopez in Anaconda
Jameson is: A green hill with a shrine and spot light on top (I zoomed into the shrine so you could see it)
We were in Richmond for this holiday, and honestly there isn't any other place in the world I would rather be on this day.
- All The Saints Theater company, a radical puppet group aligned with Bread and Puppet, puts on a HUGE parade, open for anyone to march, completely absent of city government help and consent. Proof of power in numbers.
- Gallery 5 puts together a Carnival of 5 Fires, which includes seances, fire dancers and burlesque.
- A neighborhood in the city designates an entire street to children to come Trick or Treat, its called "Hell Block". Parents decorate their houses like pirate ships or human butcher shops.
- A haunted party ship floats along the downtown canals
- There are parties EVERYWHERE!
And this is just the stuff that occurs on Halloween DAY. It does not include the month long festivities that build up to this night like maize mazes, pumpkin patches, hard cider brewing, fire pits, haunted houses, confederate ghost tours and candy.
Though it rained and our vision was limited, peripherally. It was an awesome night!
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