We have finally settled into the cozy little shed we are living in, behind our friend's house. Amazing what pictures of birds can do to improve a living space (Pictures to follow). The spring has rained pollen on all things once shinny. But seeing it is Spring, the weather is warm and kind. When we arrived the James river was nearly overflowing on to the train tracks that run beside it. April showers.
It was hot enough one day to go swimming in the river at Texas beach (which is in Richmond, VA, I know right?)
We have already gone to three concerts and seen almost everyone who lives in this small city. We are playing music with friends to get our album ready for the studio, and glad to be back. Richmond has a distinct energy that gives you culture shock one minute and goose bumps the next.
Part of us is feeling anxious, ready to pick up our bags and move on. While another part tells us to stay, get involved again, in this place we know far too well, and yet has areas we still need to explore.
First thing's first. We need to make some money. Jameson is already working 4 shifts a week at the vegetarian coffee shop. While Laney is debating whether or not she has the inner strength to work with children again. We will figure it out. Rent is cheap, because we live in a shed.
amazing picture of you both! such a beautiful coupleee