Established in 1986, the N Street CoHousing is one of the more interesting community things in Davis. Years ago, about 10-12 houses on N Street all agreed to remove their backyard fences to create a private community area. They now have a community house and lots of gardens and play structures for their children.
We stayed here in Davis for two nights. A friend of a friend from Virginia had relocated to the Davis a few years ago and welcomed us into his home full of very cool interested and laid back roommates and nightly family dinners. They had built a loft bed over the washing machine and dryer where Jameson slept.
The community produced a lot of it's own food, each home had a little patch of garden which at this time of year was full of beets, arugula, spinach, and swiss chard. There were about 10 egg laying hens that I saw roaming around and eating bugs. They even had a bunch of bee boxes and the whole time we were visiting we ate from this massive mason jar full of crystlized honey.
In the back yard there were several giant citrus trees. The one pictured below was grapefruit tree. I made a really delicious honey and grapefruit dressing one night for dinner.
Jameson and I were both really inspired by the project and have been brainstorming how something like this could be possible to copy in Richmond. It seems like the perfect fusion of life in the country and life in the city.
To find out more about N Street Co housing visit:
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