Congratulations St. Petersburg, Florida, you have been added to our list of "places we might have babies in".
Now I know that may come as a shock to some of our readers, but St. Pete is a happening place.
It has an active nightlife with its main road full of hip bars, cute little galleries and clothing Boutiques with DJs.
Continue down the road towards the bay and you will reach the fishing pier and marina, which is full of fish, begging birds and house boat neighborhoods.
This is St. Pete's official bird, the pelican.
Also along the Tampa Bay is the Dali Museum, which is, absolutely, one of the best museums I have ever experienced.
If you had decided to walk away from the bay, going west then you would eventually run into the Gulf of Mexico and all of its glory.
A sunset over the ocean on the east coast. What more could you ask for.
I love St. Pete, too! I might even come visit you if you decide to "have babies" there! Miss you and love you!
I'd definitely give you guys a visit! It looks beatiful!