- Every now and then (like every 500 years or so) krishna comes to earth in a different form to a different people to remind everyone how they should live. Buddah and Jesus are considered such manifestations. These manifestations are calls Devas or Avatars.
Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare."
The monks and nuns have services in the temple 5 or 6 times a day; the first at 5am and the last around sunset. In these ceremonies they symbolically offer¨"the elements" to statues of krishna. Incense-earth, water, fire, and air. They play the taubla (a traditional Indian drum) and chant in sanscript. Jameson and I choose whether or not we want to participate in the services. We have yet to attend a sunrise ceremony.
The Hare Krishna community is becomming an enlightening experience. They are quite liberal with us, and that is refreshing. They also have been exceedingly kind and open. I can´t wait for Michael to get here and share the experience with us. He gets here is 4 DAYS!
Please if anyone else has run into some money or free plane tickets come and spend some time down here in South America with us.